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May 28, 2024

how to open tally? tally first screen.


Tally First Screen- After you startup the Tally ERP 9 Application, the welcome screen of Tally ERP 9 – Power of Simplicity displays on the screen during the Tally software loading on computer.


Tally Screen components-

Title BarèIt shows the software name and it will be always on top.

Horizontal Button BarèIt shows the fixed button beneath of  Title bar.

ü   P:PrintèIt is used to make a print from tally.

ü  E:ExportèIt is used to export in external format.

                           i.          ASCII (Comma Dilimited

                          ii.          Excel

                         iii.          HTML

                        iv.          XML-XTENSIBLE  MARKUP LANGUAGE

M:EmailèIt is used to send mail from Tally. If you are a gold or sliver user.

O:UploadèIt is used to upload the reports from tally software to the tally server.

G:LanguageèIt is used to change the display language of software.

            Like as Hindi, English, Bengali

K:KeyboardèIt is used to change the input language.

K: Support centerè It is used to connect with support center. If you are paying 18,000 or 51,000/-

H: Helpè it used to get help from internet.

H: Control Centerè It is used to connect with control center office.





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